The Governator

With Arnold Schwarzenegger back, launching a new children's cartoon for television, is there nothing he can't do? The new TV cartoon is backed by his own firm A Squared Entertainment and POW! Entertainment which was began by Stan Lee. Schwarzenegger hopes his first post-political action will bring forth comic-books and a 3D feature length film, all loosely based on his experiences governing the state of California for eight years. Is this egoism or self-confidence? I feel he's just trying to make a living in anyway possible. It appears he's taking a better route than Charlie Sheen who was booed off stage from his first tour date in Detroit, although I believe a cartoon based on Sheen's experiences in the past eight years wouldn't be too suitable. 

Jason England

I am the freelance tech/gaming journalist, lover of dogs and pizza enthusiast. You can follow me on Twitter @MrJasonEngland.

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