Researchers Create Brain-To-Brain interface. Control Animals With Thought
Science, news Jason England Science, news Jason England

Researchers Create Brain-To-Brain interface. Control Animals With Thought

Harvard University researchers have created the world's first non-invasive brain-to-brain interface between a human and a rat.  Simply put, you can control the rat with thoughts, making for a both fascinating-yet-terrifying discovery (hello Nineteen-Eighty Four).  This is a critical step towards technology allowing for telepathic links between human beings.


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How to, news, social media Jason England How to, news, social media Jason England

Study shows how to get Facebook friends. Questions power of influence

Researchers at Harvard have been analysing the reasons people are friending each other on social networks, presenting that those who share common interests in music and movies are most likely to be-friend each other.  Similar book tastes, however, do not influence this decision whatsoever.

The study analysed and collected data from a group of college students (who self-reported for the experiment) over a course of four years.

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