Science, news, tech Jason England Science, news, tech Jason England

Indian Students Develop Bra That Electrocutes Assailants

A group of Indian engineering students have designed a wearable solution to a terrible problem: a bra that can give a would-be rapist a literal 3800kv shock.

Manisha Mohan, a student at SRM University in Chennai, saw the aftermath of the gang rape and murder of a student, and how reluctant the government was to help. So she and two friends, Niladhri Basu Bal and Rimpi Tripathi, decided to use their scientific knowledge to provide a form of protection.

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tech Jason England tech Jason England

Intimacy 2.0: The Dress That Turns See-Through When Aroused

The fashion world is one that tends to baffle us for the most part here at New Rising Media, but that's not to say technology isn't beginning to play a much bigger role in the industry. From 'smart shirts' that can read our heart beat and breathing rate, the integration of OLED flexible screens directly sewn into fabric, or even dresses that conducts its own power based on the movement of its wearer, the era of 'digital clothing' has seemingly only just begun.

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