Researchers Build "Body On a Chip." 3D Printed Organs To Test Medicine
Science, news, Technology Jason England Science, news, Technology Jason England

Researchers Build "Body On a Chip." 3D Printed Organs To Test Medicine

A lot of time, money and energy is put into new drugs, most of this is used taking it through the stages of testing, from cells to animals, and finally to human trials. This is the price of safety and one we should be very grateful for, but soon there could be a better way. The “Body on a Chip” project proposes a new method which is hoped to replace the current elaborate chain of testing, and even increase the effectiveness and safety of new drugs.
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Science Jason England Science Jason England

Scientists Develop Crab-Like Robot To Remove Stomach Cancer

Scientists have designed and created a miniature crab-like robot - complete with pincers and hook - that can remove early-stage stomach cancers without leaving any scars. With the help of the robot, like-for-like surgery time is cut significantly, while its use is also said to reduce much of the risk typically associated with keyhole surgery, where the risk of infection is much higher.

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