Otherworldly Radio Signals May Be The Result of Massive Thunderstorms
Science, news Jamie O'Flinn Science, news Jamie O'Flinn

Otherworldly Radio Signals May Be The Result of Massive Thunderstorms

For as long as we’ve searched the stars for alien life, we’ve received strange radio signals of unknown origin. Researchers from the University of St Andrews have found the cause. The bad news: it’s probably not aliens. The good news: it’s still awesome. The cause of extraterrestrial radio signals may in fact be lightning storms on other planets - millions of times more powerful than those on Earth.

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news, tech Jason England news, tech Jason England

BBC Celebrates 90 Years Of Innovation By Asking 'Where Next?'

The BBC has become iconic in British culture and worldwide media.  To celebrate over 90 years of innovation, they have launched a new campaign telling the story of broadcasting, engineering and technological progress since 1922.

The 60-second launch film shows a timeline throughout the Beeb's broadcasting history, using archive footage of highlight significant milestones and moments in television.  Combine this with a mixture of animation techniques and an original musical composition formed from non-instrumental sounds, including finger-tapping, footsteps, heavy-breathing & singing, and you have something that sums up the corporation rather nicely.

"The BBC is innovating for everyone and we hope this powerful untold story will capture the imagination of audiences and make them wonder…'where next?'"  Philip Almond, Director of Marketing and Audiences said.

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