Feature Jason England Feature Jason England

The 2011 New Rising Media Christmas Gift Guide

We took a look around and noticed one particular constant: people already know what they want.  These gift guides are, essentially, pointless re-hashes of old reviews that website has already done to give an air of assistance in a technological impairment that is buying for someone for Christmas.  

Take a look at the consumer end also, these products are marketed to such an extent with the layer of 'newness' that the likes of a Galaxy nexus, Gears of War 3 or a Playstation 3 (£249 for console and 4 games, pretty good value).  So what we have are two voices recommending exactly the same product, which is all good and well, as it fuels this festive season of praying to the Capitalist Gods.  

But what about alternatives?  What about those ideas that the person you're gifting to didn't realise they needed up until the point they open your present?  Those small jewel-encrusted moments where you are genuinely surprised by a gift come few and far between, and we'd very much like to help with that.  With this in mind, here's our Gift Guide.

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