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'Goosebumps' Author Tweets A Short Horror Story

Famed author R.L. Stine, known for his popular series of horror stories for children Goosebumps took to Twitter on February 15th; publishing nine tweets which combined to form a short story about an ominous kitchen sink...not so scary then.

However it does show how malleable Stine's writing is, adapting effectively to the 140 character microblogging format.  While there are various Twitter accounts, like @VeryShortStory, dedicated to this form of short fragmented fiction, Stine is one of few high-profile authors to take a crack at using this system.
We're a little saddened by the fact that none of these end on the classic false-alarm cliffhanger that Goosebumps is renowned for; but we'll take what we can get.  Take a look at the story stream below.
Source: rl_stine (twitter)  

Only appropriate that you watch this before you read...