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Google Adds Request For Wallet Signup During Gmail Registration

Google has begun asking customers to sign up for Google Wallet when they sign up for Gmail. The third step in signing up for the search titans email services is now entering credit card information for Google's payment processing service.  A brave move considering a section of recent public opinion towards the company's farming of data and privacy concerns.

While this is certainly going to tick off a few people (hello MG Siegler) who are not fans of the giant G it's a smart move, and one that actually makes sense for consumers. Many new Gmail subscribers are also new Android users who sign up for a Google account when they buy a device running Google's operating system.

Adding Google Wallet to the Google Account sign up service ensures those customers will be able to buy applications, videos, books, and music from Google and their partners without having to sign up for Google Wallet later. For the Android user getting a smartphone for the very first time this helps cut down on potential confusion while helping generate revenue for Google, a win all around. Google Wallet is, as it always was, an optional service- new Google Account holders do not need to give away their credit card information. 

Source: Robert Cezar Matei