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How Is This Documentary On The Fighting Game Community Not Funded Yet?

The setup is simple, director Peter Livingston has taken to Kickstarter for money to film his, thus yet unnamed, documentary: following the history and culture that surrounds the Evolution (EVO) fighting game tournaments.  Thousands of people from around the world come to Vegas, and find out who the "best in the world" is.

Out of all the projects which seem to have not captured the minds and hearts of today's crowdsourced fundraisers, we're thoroughly surprised that this is one of them.  While we'll be the first guys to admit we're terrible at Street Fighter, it's always awesome seeing someone play who's actually good at it.

The documentary will follow some of the worlds top players players in the tournament, and cover the history of arcades and competitive gaming, marking the humble beginnings of the Evolution tournament.  It's a sub-culture that is rarely glimpsed by many; but is fascinating all the more for it.

I think I speak for all of us here at nrm when I say that we'd love to see this salute to the dark, body-odour heavy arcades of the 90s come to fruition.

Source: Kickstarter