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Podcasters Out To Troll Fifty Shades Of Grey With Crowd-Sourced Sex Novel


The staggering success of erotic novel Fifty Shades Of Grey is one sure to baffle reading trends analysts', let alone this twenty-something male. But for two US podcasters, the rise in popularity of the sex novel just had to be exploited...

Hosts of podcast NSFW Brian Brushwood and Justin Young are behind the book out to troll iTunes' e-book store, which uses a selection of stories submitted from their own listeners to make up an erotic novel approaching the love, lust and longing of its inspiration. Who are we kidding? The book, as its creators describe, “has little cohesion between chapters... and [almost entirely just delivers] on 'banging'”. Titled a suitably-pretentious name 'The Diamond Club: A Novel', priced a moderate $0.99 and featuring cover artwork reminiscent of EL James's Fifty Shades, the book has already entered the 'Top 10 Paid' charts in both the UK and their domestic US. The pastiche is now 9th on the UK Best-sellers list and a hugely-impressive 4th state-side.

Explaining their ultimate goal, besides making a bit of cash on the side, the two explain the project's motivations. “Once we crack into the top 10, is it possible that a terribly-written book that makes no sense and just has a lot of banging [can] win the hearts of house wives everywhere?” Short answer: probably not, but it's worth a go. Oh, there will be sex.

Go ahead and order the book now from the iTunes Store now.

Richard Birkett