Reunited Monty Python Members Create New Sci-Fi Comedy "Absolutely Anything"

Members of Monty Python's Flying Circus have re-united to create “Absolutely Anything:” a Science Fiction comedy where a group of aliens, give a hapless human the power to do anything, just to see what kind of chaos it can create.

"It's not a Monty Python picture, but it certainly has that sensibility," Jones told Variety.

Following on from their announcement of this project last year, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Michael Palin and Terry Jones have all confirmed their participation. The only other surviving member Eric Idle is yet to throw his hat into the ring.

Medavoy, who in the past was a producer of ‘Life of Brian’, has described it as a ‘classic farce’ and will be one of the producers for “Absolutely Anything”. Robin Williams will also be joining the group voicing a talking dog that seems to be rather more on the ball than most around him.

Source: Variety

Harvey McDaniel

Jason England

I am the freelance tech/gaming journalist, lover of dogs and pizza enthusiast. You can follow me on Twitter @MrJasonEngland.

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