This Japanese piggybacking robot feeds you tomatoes while you run a marathon


When you think of wearable tech, would a robot that you carry via piggyback while it feeds you tomatoes during a marathon come to mind? If your answer is "yes," that raises a few more questions, but in the likely situation you said "no," allow me to introduce you to Petit-Tomatan.

Created by mechanical artists at Maywa Denki in partnership with Japanese juice vendor Kagome, this publicity stunt for the Tokyo Marathon is to push the "antioxidant power" of tomatoes with a robotic twist. And you thought running with a water bottle was technologically advanced.

Even though this part is obvious, we probably won't see athletes using this 18lb contraption or anything like it.

Jason England

I am the freelance tech/gaming journalist, lover of dogs and pizza enthusiast. You can follow me on Twitter @MrJasonEngland.

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