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British government backs plans to build Europe's first space port in the UK

The British government have approved plans to build a spaceport in the United Kingdom, set to be fully build and operational by 2018.

In this agreement, they will go through a three-month consultation period to look at logistics and pick a location out of the five listed to build the first spaceport in Europe, expected to offer both commercial space travel and ultra-fast international flights. 

This all began back in July last year, when the British Civil Aviation Authority named eight potential locations. The government wanted to be at the forefront of the commercial space flight industry, that is predicted to be worth £400 billion a year by 2030. But now, the list has been narrowed down to Campbeltown, Glasgow Prestwick, and Stornoway in Scotland, Newquay in England and Llanbedr in Wales.

"I want Britain to lead the way in commercial spaceflight," said Robert Goodwill, the UK's aviation minster. "Establishing a spaceport will ensure we are at the forefront of this exciting new technology."

There may not be much to be impressed about what this recent government has done, but it's fair to say we're excited about this.