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Teletext lives! Pages from Ceefax have been resurrected

Remember Ceefax? It was Britain's version of the internet before anybody really used it. Well now the service has been brought back to life, and you don't even need to wait until the early hours of the morning to get to it. Introducing

*UPDATE* - as spotted by an eagle-eyed reader David Parker, is no longer in operation and links through to a website that really wants you to download some rather questionable stuff. Do not go to the website and just bask in the ceefax glory from the video below. Thanks for pointing this out, David!

Set to the smooth soundtrack (which I recommend you play below while reading this article), this website shows a selection of old Teletext screenshots within the window of an old school CRT Television. Rather cleverly, the site pulls through information from the BBC News website to fill screens too, so you could keep up to date with the day's news in the most retro way possible.