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Here's What The Original 'Metal Gear Solid' Would Look Like If It Was Made Today

Konami has had a lot of bad press recently when it comes to Metal Gear Solid. But they have an opportunity to make some reparations by supporting Shadow Moses, a gorgeous fan-made remake of the Playstation One classic using Unreal Engine 4.

First we got Goldeneye 64, and now this. The main difference being this could actually be a real thing. Sega got some good PR through contracting an indie developer to port Sonic The Hedgehog over to iOS. After the declining opinion of these titles, this got them back in the good books. 

Last year, Konami seemed fixed on ruining their reputation amongst the serious gaming audience. Silent Hills was pulled, Kojima's name removed from Metal Gear Solid V and banned from attending the VGAs. The company don't seem so interested in rekindling our trust, but we have our fingers crossed it will happen, as does the creator.