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Save Data To Save Money On Mobile Contracts

Most consumers in the UK overspend on their mobile phone data. Saving how much data you use monthly is simple with a few tips and tricks. The most common data plan purchased in the UK is 16GB per month. The average amount of data used is only 4.1GB. This means UK consumers could easily slash their monthly phone bill.

Consumers need to understand more about their mobile usage before signing into lengthy contracts. A mobile phone plan is made up of three cost factors.

  • The cost of the handset
  • How many minutes and texts
  • The monthly mobile data allowance

Most pay monthly plans now come with unlimited texts and calls so it’s the device and data allowance that makes up the lion’s share of the total phone cost.

The average consumer spend on pay monthly plans in the UK is £45.60 per month. This makes the annual spend £547.20 for the average consumer. Most households now have 2 or more handsets meaning the annual cost per household is around £1,094.40. 

Reducing the amount of data on a monthly phone plan could save the average consumer hundreds of pounds per year. What you use your phone for effects the amount of data you need. Below shows the most common apps downloaded on devices in the UK. 5 of these use streaming features which uses the most amount of data.

Finding out what you need on your monthly data plan is simple, check your last 3-6 months bills or your device. One you understand your average usage it helps know where you can save data usage. Check out the graphic below which shows what 10GB of data can handle.

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Where you use your phone heavily effects your data usage. Commuters are the most effected as they are often on the move. However, most people are usually close to free WI-FI. Nintey percent of Homes, work and most public venues now have WI-FI. 

Use the tips below to reduce your data usage and save on your next pay monthly contract plan.

Device optimisation

How you manage your device can save a lot of data usage. Every device has APP’s which need to update. You can optimise each app to request an update rather than auto update. This means you can save updating APP’s for when you are in reach of WI-FI.

Log into WI-FI

We’ve touched on this above. Home, work, pubs and even buses now have free WI-FI. Take the time to get the code and login to take advantage and save your mobile data usage.

Stop streaming and download

Streaming movies and other streaming heavy sites are the most common way to use up data, especially when you are on the move. Download movies, music and anything you plan to watch or use in advance on your journey. 

Limit background data

Emails and texts still need to pull data. You can limit what each app does in the APP settings. Save your messages if possible whilst on the move.

Data alerts

Setting up data alerts is often missed off. You can setup data alerts for any volume of data. This often helps keep your attention on logging into free WI-FI.