NASA Proposes Sending Humans To The Skies Of Venus
Science, news Jason England Science, news Jason England

NASA Proposes Sending Humans To The Skies Of Venus

NASA scientists have created a study proposing humans go colonise Venus. However, since the surface of the planet has 92 times more pressure than Earth's atmosphere and a temperature of 500 degrees C, we will explore from the safe distance of the clouds using Airships and Cloud Cities.

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Researchers Create 'Galaxy Zoo 2' - An Online Archive of 300,000 Nearby Galaxies
Science, news Jason England Science, news Jason England

Researchers Create 'Galaxy Zoo 2' - An Online Archive of 300,000 Nearby Galaxies

Researchers Create 'Galaxy Zoo 2' - An Online Archive of 300,000 Nearby Galaxies

 Up until the late 2000's, pretty much all information on neighbouring galaxies was compiled by a handful of experts using the Hubble telescope and millions of dollars worth of equipment. While their input was frankly monumental, this was a largely impractical way of gathering information. It just seems like a waste for such a small number of people to have the power to provide such information.

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Science, news Jason England Science, news Jason England

NASA Finds A Space Invader In The Deep Cosmos

NASA's Hubble Telescope found a Space Invader in this massive cluster of galaxies, known as Abell 68.  The gravitational field surrounding it acts as a naturally distorting lens. This produces a fun house mirror effect, and created this shape similar to that of a simulated alien from the classic 1970s game.

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