How to, social media Jason England How to, social media Jason England

How To Get Rid Of Facebook Timeline

So Timeline has been rather polarizing in terms of thoughts and opinions about it's design and functionality.  Some accepting this complete renovation with open arms, warming positively to the 'scrapbooking' mentality of the implementation, whereas others detest this idea of yet further effort and attempts at expansion beyond the primary (and for most solitary) uses of sharing and communicating.

We already gave our thoughts about Timeline, and why it easily creates a love/hate relationship with the user; but what about those still unimpressed?  What about those who clicked without consideration of the overhauling effects it entailed?  What about those forced by the recent obligatory change, who want a revival of the 'old times?'  Well we've got your back, with our guide about the matter.

Bare in mind, this only affects what you see, it doesn't reverse your Timeline (or anybody else's Timeline) to it's old state on a mass public scale.  This formula utilises a tricking an identification code your browser sends to any website visited within it: the 'user agent.'  

See, if you're reading this and using facebook within Internet Explorer 7, then chances are you have no idea what the big fuss is about, since it doesn't support Timeline, Ticker, or any of the recent updates that have fallen to the disdain of many-a-user.  With this in mind, the concept is simple: if your browser impersonates IE7 with it's 'user agent,' you won't see another Timeline again, and with a file download (plus an extra app to clean up the experience), that's possible and really rather easy.

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