NASA Mars Rover Draws Giant Penis On The Surface Of Red Planet
Science, fun, news Jason England Science, fun, news Jason England

NASA Mars Rover Draws Giant Penis On The Surface Of Red Planet

Anybody who has kept up with the Curiosity Rover's antics on Twitter will know NASA has a cheeky sense of humour, but we never expected this.  Looks like an employee has used the Rover to draw a giant penis on the surface of Mars.  The photo in question shows one of Spirit’s or Opportunity’s tyre tracks leaving a very appendage-looking impression in the Martian dust.

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Science, editorial Jason England Science, editorial Jason England

Red Bull Stratos: The Jump That Puts Us On The Path To Dreaming Again

"NASA, as best as I can judge, is a force of nature like none other." Neil deGrasse Tyson, 2010.

On November 20th 1998, the first components of the International Space Station were launched, beginning the mission that continues to this day.  This was the last time that many of us were excited about the exploration of frontiers beyond our grasp.  As Dr. Tyson so eloquently said: "We stopped dreaming." 

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