Science, news, tech Jason England Science, news, tech Jason England

£1 Billion Supercomputer To Reconstruct And Simulate 'Entire Human Brain'


An international group of researchers have secured over £1 billion to fund the incredibly ambitious 'Human Brain project.'  Scientists will spend the next decade understanding, mapping, and virtually simulating the network of over a hundred billion neuronal connections that illicit thought, emotion, and consciousness.

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Science, tech Jason England Science, tech Jason England

Artificial Intelligence Advances Being Led By Honey Bee Research

As part of a £1 million research project designed to advance the understanding of artificial intelligence systems, scientists from the Universities of Sheffield and Sussex are studying the brains of honey bees in the hope the results will eventually lead them to create a flying robot with artificial brain able to make decisions, think and act like a bee typically would.

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Researchers Hoping To ‘Eliminate Death’ By 2045, Working On Humanoid Robot Avatars
Science, Technology, news Jason England Science, Technology, news Jason England

Researchers Hoping To ‘Eliminate Death’ By 2045, Working On Humanoid Robot Avatars

It is estimated that a total of 55.3 million people die each year, equivalent to almost 2 every single second. Death is a fact of life, or so we thought. A project by the name of Russia 2045 is ambitiously attempting to conquer immortality in as little as 33 years by way of creating humanoid robots that have human personalities stored on artificial brains.

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tech Jason England tech Jason England

Scientists Uncover Method To Literally 'Read' Human Thoughts

Researchers from the University of California have developed a remarkable method that has allowed them to discern what a patient is thinking through de-constructing their associative brain waves. While still incredibly early in its potential implications, such a method of interpreting someone's thoughts without the need for speech to be crafted could be hugely significant for loved one's and medical staff to communicate with those who are unable to speak; such as comatose patients, or those suffering with 'locked-in syndrome'.

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news, social media Jason England news, social media Jason England

The brainier you are, the more Facebook friends you have

The bigger it is, the more you have.  Puns aside, a study concluded with a correlation between the mass of your brain size and the amount of Facebook friends you have. 

In the time people have argued between Facebook and Google+, Researchers at the University College of London donned the white coats and spectacles to investigate whether having a hissy fit over the Internet being bad for humans is really necessary.  

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