Porn: the stats.

Grannies are still a hot subject matter for porn, with a large British audience.  According to one adult industry veteran, many of us Britons were schoolboys, we were spanked/slapped/pinched by our school teachers.  We search more for fat than thin.  For every one search for a skinny girl, there's three for fat women, with 504 websites from the source (Dogpile, an online porn catalogue) dedicated to the larger female.  Milf as popular as teen: trending search terms for both equal, with a disturbing amount of searches for "underage girls."  One in four people who watch porn are women: a statistic from Brazzers, Bang Bros and Reality Kings (girls have taste).

These laughable conclusions, dodgy methodologies and out-of-context quantitative results courtesy of A Billion Wicked Thoughts.  The blogosphere will report about anything nowadays!

Jason England

I am the freelance tech/gaming journalist, lover of dogs and pizza enthusiast. You can follow me on Twitter @MrJasonEngland.

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