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Google+ to add pseudonimity and app support

Taking the Facebook initative of a developer community, and treading on the toes of Anybeat, SVP of Social Vic Gundotra has announced that Google+ will support pseudonyms and add compatability with the range of other Google apps.

This comes from his recent discussion at the Web 2.0 summit in San Francisco, where Justin Timberlake Sean Parker has already talked about Facebook and Spotify, where Vic announced that the Google+ service will support "other forms of identity."  Beyond this, the network will be fully embedded with the rest of the Google apps to be fully integrated with each service "imminently" (which Vic explicitly said meant "in the next few days"). 

The choice for pseudonymity (which has already a proven winning formula by Anybeat) is coming after the controversy where people were having their accounts removed for using pseudonyms, it's only second nature that they've learnt many people don't want the hassle of the privacy scares that come with having an open identity online (hello Facebook Timeline).  The company wanted to create a community focused on real names, but now it realizes that some people have legitimate reasons to use pseudonyms.